Chorro and Puke! (Warning not for those with a Weak Stomach)

Well it finally hit. Not quite the KFC fiasco of ’96 but none the less it hit hard last night. I had chorro in the morning and then when I got home I had a nice big puke fest. Caitlin was a trooper and took care of me and cleaned up the bathroom as my aim was not very accurate. Needless to say it sucked. I am currently feeling better and my fever has gone away. I am taking the medicine that I got from the travel doctor. I didn’t get a chance to try it out in the states as I had hoped but it seems to be working

3 thoughts on “Chorro and Puke! (Warning not for those with a Weak Stomach)

  1. Bueno no se de quien sea la venganza , porque en teoria la venganza de Moctezuma no aplica aqui. Seria que tuviste una vez mas el simptoma del hermano simpatetico con Sara, Supongo que supiste que Sara no pudo ir a Mexico porque tuvo diarrea y vomito.Me da gusto que seas un gran hermano apoyando en casos de stress a tu hermanaLove you Dad


  2. hmmm, somehow i don’t know if it was sympathy puking….hope you feel better soon though booger!!! p.s. remember that one time on a plane…”woah! i’ve never seen anyone actually use one of those things!” (a motion sickness bag)“thanks alex…”p.p.s. i didn’t have the runs, dad,… but glad it’s on the internet documented that i did =p


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